Saturday, April 28, 2007


Have you ever seen a kid so terribly cute you could just eat 'em up? You probably even have one...come on, you know you do. I know I do....This is Grant...

This is a curly haired, brown-eyed, angel-faced, little devil.....yes, you read that right....devil....

He delights in torturing his brother....this could be in the form of singing loudly while Garrett is watching tv....standing outside the door of the bathroom while Garrett is needing his privacy and singing or yelling....taking every opportunity to say the opposite of what Garrett says and therefore provoking an argument that sounds like this..."yes I you can't....yes I you can't....yes I you can't..." this can go on indefinitely until I have a meltdown and put an end to it....

He also delights in the game of chase me to put my clothes on....EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! He doesn't seem to understand that Mama is ALWAYS running late and every single second counts....giggling the whole time he is running from me.....then when I do catch him he thinks it is double funny to kick his legs around so that it makes it nearly impossible to put his socks, pants, and shoes on....and roll his head around so that I can't get his shirt on...

This sweet faced child also tortures the poor dog...he thinks it is funny to chase her around the house kicking at her and making her growl and bark at him...

When I tell him to do something that doesn't appeal to him...he doesn't hesitate to yell at me or talk back to me....telling me what I am going to do.....and he is not above throwing a fit or having a melt down if he doesn't get his way...

What's that you are thinking? Discipline him....yes....I know....I do try.....but look at this face....


How do I discipline this little cherub who crosses his eyes on purpose when I am fussing at him....thereby making me can you discipline when you are laughing?

How do I discipline this little toot who tries his best to explain his way out of any given situation complete with hand motions and very animated facial expressions?

How do I discipline this little man when seeing that adorable little bottom lip droop and tears fall from his eyes breaks my heart?

But....I know I must....for his own good....for his future....for my sanity....I must....

But it's NOT gonna be easy.


Unknown said...

LOL Charley! I love it -- look at those expressions he is adorable -- you should turn this entry into a scrap page! Love it!

Linda said...

when you figure it out, pass that info on to me, will ya? I've got ALL the same things (except the catch me if you can game). The mouth, the singing, the REPEATING (that drives Hannah NUTS!), the no/yes when you figure out how to discipline the manipulation out of him, do tell!!!

Danielle Holsapple said...

Oh Charley! I know just what you mean!!! They are so darn cute it is hard to discipline them! And you are right, that face is hard to deny!!!! And I feel a scrap page coming on!