Friday, July 20, 2007

Excuse me, Mr......Where is my little boy?

Did you ever have one of those moments where you realize time is moving so fast and it just sucks the breath right out of you? I had one of those moments last week. Garrett had a week of golf camp and after I picked him up on the first day, he wanted to go outside and practice his swing.

Ok.....he goes outside and I do a few more things in here.....then spy my camera lying on the table and decide to go take a few shots of my little guy playing golf....

When I walked outside and laid eyes on my son, my breath caught in my throat, and I got all teary eyed.....When did this happen?

First of all he had taken off his shirt....and we have been going to the pool so much that he is TAN.....and his hair has these really blonde highlights in it from being in the son.....then to top it all off, and really this is the part that did me in.....his underwear band is poking out the top of his shorts......Wait a minute.....You are SIX years old!!!!!! SIX.......NOT SIXTEEN!!!!!

I just wanna scream WAIT!!!!! Don't grow up too fast.....being a little boy is sooo much fun (for you but also for me). So I stop and I imprint this picture into my mind.....because before I know it....I'll turn around and he really will be sixteen standing out in my yard tan....shirtless....underwear hanging out the top of his shorts.......and you know what? I'll close my eyes and I'll be able to see him again at sweetie who thought he was older than he really little man who was in such a hurry to grow up and do "man" little guy who would tell me he loved me at least ten times a sweet first born son who taught me how to be a Mamma.....I love you, Gar......please slow are growing up too fast and my heart is having trouble keeping up....... Please be my little boy for a while longer.....I won't look at how big you are getting if you won't.......although carrying a 56 pounder to bed every night is getting a little ya big guy!!!!!


Monica said...

awww how sweet Charley! He does look like he is so grown up without his shirt and that golf club!

Linda said...

so touching, Charley! For me, it's the missing two front teeth that does me in - and she can tie her shoes, and ride a bike, and do so many things that she couldn't do even a year ago...and I am not needed so much any more.

Unknown said...

Oh he is so big charley - how sweet that you caught these candid shots! So great that you journaled about it!

Dana Tate said...

Oh my...they do grow so fast. You are going to treasure these pics. They will be in the stack of photos you share with all of his girlfriends. I love the way you see the world!

Kory said...

Oh this is such a sweet blog entry Charley! I love the pictures and he does look like a little man!

bsgirl said...

OH Charley...I'm so choked up right now...UGH!! I'm having the same prob with Rilye. I turned around last night and she was asleep on the couch & she stretched from one end to the other. I remeber when her entire body with in the palm of both hands. I just LOVE your journaling....always have. I forget how much I LOVE your blog. You get me everytime!!

Danielle Holsapple said...

Your thought about your boys always brings tears to my eyes!

dr said...

Yeap- in the 'blink-of-an-eye' they'll be grown. Cherish it as you are. thanks for sharing.

scrapfriendzy said...

awwwww....great photos!!! Aren't you glad we can take photos to remember those times!